Privacy Policy

Hope Now Limited Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Hope Now Limited values everyone who engages with us by whatever means, and we do all we can to protect your privacy and to make sure the personal information you give us is kept safe. This policy explains how we collect personal information, how we use and store that information and what it means for you.

Hope Now is an independent Christian Charity based in Southampton, United Kingdom working for the relief of poverty and the advancement of the Gospel internationally, working mainly in Ukraine.

Hope Now Limited is a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1072038).

Our website address is:

Information collected by Hope Now:
We collect personal information such as your email address, name, home address and/or telephone number and we may collect sensitive personal information such as dietary requirements, health information and next of kin details enabling us to maintain contact with you and provide volunteering opportunities. We may also collect personal information, for example when you make a donation, order materials, request information or sign up for events and activities such as camps and conferences.

Information collected by visiting our website:
When visiting our website, we follow standard practices and may use features which collect your IP address and data on which pages you are visiting on our site. Similarly, as for many websites, we may also issue cookies to enable certain features to function properly, track traffic on our website or improve your user experience in other ways. Cookies place certain information on your device to allow this to happen. Visitor emails sent via the “Contact Us” form may be checked through an automated spam detection service.

Information collected via social media:
Any social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing that service.

Depending on your own settings or the policies of social media and messaging services such as Facebook and Twitter, you may be providing us and other organisations access to certain information. If you have concerns, you should check with those services to ensure you’re happy with that information being shared.

Information collected from third parties:
We may use third parties (e.g. CAF or Stewardship) to enable you to donate to our work. We will store any information that they collect from you and pass onto us in order to process your donation. If you have concerns, you may wish to check their privacy policies to find out more information on how they will process your data.

We store and process personal information for the primary purpose of achieving our charitable purposes as set out in the Introduction of this Privacy Policy.

There are six lawful bases for processing data:
a. Consent: you have given clear consent for us to process your personal data for a specific purpose.
b. Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract we have with you.
c. Legal obligation: the processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.
d. Vital interests: the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life.
e. Public task: the processing is necessary for us to perform a task in the public interest.
f. Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party.

We are using three: legal obligation, contract and legitimate interest. We collect personal information when it is needed to establish and maintain contact with you and to provide information. This is covered by Hope Now’s legitimate interest in achieving our charitable objectives and is based on the two factors of reasonable expectation and relevant and appropriate relationship.

Where the personal information is provided for financial support, we store and process your data in order to comply with current charitable and financial legislations, such as processing donations and claiming the related Gift Aid. This is a legal obligation.

Where the data is provided in exchange for a service, for example ordering materials, or signing up to a camp, we store and process your data to fulfil the contract you have made with us.

We collect and process personal data for the purpose of entering into contractual relationships or for pre-contractual steps at the request of the individual, such as personal information processed on behalf of Hope Now employees or potential employees.

Providing support
Where you provide personal information and/or sensitive personal information such as dietary requirements, mobility requirements or health information, we will store, process and disclose the personal information we collect to:
• Provide appropriate support
• Maintain contact with you
• Answer any questions or feedback you may have

Processing of requests/donations
We may use the personal information we collect to do one or more of the following:
• Process donations you give us, including claiming gift aid;
• Provide information or materials you have requested;
• Keep you up to date on news and stories about our work;
• Ask for financial and non-financial support, such as volunteering or prayer;
• Keep records of your relationship with us, e.g. questions you have asked or complaint you have made;

Applying for a job or volunteering with us
Where you provide personal information and/or sensitive personal information when applying for a job with us or volunteering in any capacity, we will process, store and disclose the information we collect to:
• Support the recruitment or volunteering process;
• Answer any questions you may have;
• Use third parties to provide services such as references and DBS checks;
• Deliver the volunteering opportunity, including the disclosure of sensitive data, such as medical information to other organisations, only where necessary to deliver a safe off-site trip or event for all involved;
• Provide the administration of these events or opportunities to serve;

How long we store your information
We will keep your personal information only for as long as we consider it necessary to carry out each activity. We take account of legal obligations and accounting and tax considerations as well as considering what would be reasonable for the activity concerned.

For example, we will retain details of donations for 10 years to meet tax and accounting requirements, but we will only hold sensitive personal information for as long as you wish to maintain contact with us.

We ensure that we have in place appropriate controls to protect any personal information you provide. We ensure that access to personal information is restricted only to those people whose roles require such access and that suitable training is provided for these people.

If we make use of external companies to process personal information on our behalf, for example processing donations, we remain responsible for the storing and processing of your personal information. We do not use, or store, your credit or debit card details.

Where we store your personal information
We take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is stored and processed securely, whether in electronic or hard copy formats, and is protected from unauthorised access, use of disclosure. All computers and other electronic devices are password protected. Hard copy information is kept in locked cabinets or drawers.

Regulatory bodies
We may need to pass on information if required by law or by a regulatory body, for example, as part of a gift aid audit by HMRC or if asked for details by a law enforcement agency.

Third Parties
We may use third parties to carry out tasks on our behalf. These agents are bound by contract to protect your data and we remain responsible for their actions.

We may ask for details concerning children who have applied to receive our news and/or volunteer with us. If a child is over 16 we may collect information directly from the child.

You can obtain an electronic or hard copy of our safeguarding policy by:
• Speaking to our office staff in person during office opening hours or by telephone: +44 (0)23 8078 0720
• Emailing us via the “Contact Us” page
• Writing to us at Hope Now, Malvern Centre, Malvern Road, Southampton, SO16 6PY

Current legislation provides the following rights for individuals in relation to their personal information:
1. The right to be informed
2. The right of access
3. The right to rectification
4. The right to erasure
5. The right to restrict processing
6. The right to data portability
7. The right to object
8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

To find out more about what these rights mean for you, please refer to the Information Commissioner’s website:

Seeing and updating your personal information
Please get in touch to see a copy of your information and have any mistakes corrected. You can also update your personal information at any time by:

• Speaking to our office staff in person during office hours or by telephone: +44 (0)23 8078 0720
• Emailing us via the “Contact Us” page
• Writing to us at Hope Now, Malvern Centre, Malvern Road, Southampton, SO16 6PY

Deleting your personal information
You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information, to ask us to restrict our processing or to object to our processing of your personal information. You can do so at any time by writing to us at: Hope Now, Malvern Centre, Malvern Road, Southampton, SO16 6PY or by emailing us via the “Contact Us” page

We will occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect changing circumstances, advice and feedback. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy to stay informed about how we are protecting your information. You can see the policy on our website (Privacy Policy) or ask for an electronic or paper copy from our office by:
• Speaking to our office staff in person during office opening hours or by telephone: +44 (0)23 8078 0720
• Emailing us via the “Contact Us” page
• Writing to us at Hope Now, Malvern Centre, Malvern Road, Southampton, SO16 6PY

This policy was created on 12th March 2018